Disclaimer: The information here is not about any tickets that came in the mail from a speed camera. This article is about speeding tickets that resulted from a traffic stop. Camera tickets do not carry the same high fines associated with a ticket issued at a traffic stop. More importantly, camera tickets are issued against the car owner, not the driver. Hence, they do not appear on any driving record, there are no points associated with camera tickets, and they do not impact car insurance rates. The Benjamin Goldman Law Office does not provide legal services for camera tickets. We provide legal services for any traffic tickets issued by a police officer.

Vehicle & Traffic Law § 1180(c) - Speeding in a School Zone

There are various types of speeding charges. Perhaps the most serious is 1180 (c), “Speeding in a School Zone”. It is more serious for several reasons: (1) the violation stays on your record for longer than a regular speeding ticket. (2) Insurance companies raise their rates higher than they would raise their rates for a regular speeding violation (3) The fines can be doubled. This means possible fines for school zone speeding tickets are as follows:

  • Speeding 1-10 MPH over the limit, maximum fine is $393
  • Speeding 11-30 MPH over the limit, maximum fine is $693
  • Speeding 31+ MPH over the limit, maximum fine is $1293

This assumes the ticketed motorist has an otherwise perfect driving record. With prior violations these fines can be even higher. This also does not account for Driver Responsibility Assessment Fees that may be due to the DMV. Contrary to urban legend, only the fine can be doubled, not the points. For obvious reasons, prosecutors and judges typically treat these violations much harsher than regular speeding violations.


The relevant wording of the statute is:

(c) Except as provided in subdivision (g) of this section, whenever maximum school speed limits have been established on a highway adjacent to a school as authorized in section sixteen hundred twenty, sixteen hundred twenty-two, sixteen hundred thirty, sixteen hundred forty-three or sixteen hundred sixty-two-a, no person shall drive in excess of such maximum school speed limits during:

  • (1) school days at times indicated on the school zone speed limit sign, provided, however, that such times shall be between the hours of seven o'clock A.M. and six o'clock P.M. or alternative times within such hours; or

  • (2) a period when the beacons attached to the school zone speed limit sign are flashing and such sign is equipped with a notice that indicates that the school zone speed limit is in effect when such beacons are flashing, provided, however, that such beacons shall only flash during student activities at the school and up to thirty minutes immediately before and up to thirty minutes immediately after such student activities.

. . .
4. Every person convicted of a violation of subdivision (c) of this section when such violation occurs in a school speed zone during a school day between the hours of seven o'clock A.M. and six o'clock P.M., shall be punished as follows:

  • (i) Where the court or tribunal records or enters that the speed upon which the conviction was based exceeded the applicable speed limit by not more than ten miles per hour, by a fine of not less than ninety nor more than three hundred dollars;

  • (ii) Where the court or tribunal records or enters that the speed upon which the conviction was based exceeded the applicable speed limit by more than ten miles per hour but not more than thirty miles per hour, by a fine of not less than one hundred eighty nor more than six hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen days or by both such fine and imprisonment;

  • (iii) Where the court or tribunal records or enters that the speed upon which the conviction was based exceeded the applicable speed limit by more than thirty miles per hour, by a fine of not less than three hundred sixty nor more than one thousand two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Disputing an 1180C Ticket

There are defenses to this violation, and several conditions must be satisfied before the government establishes a prima facie case of speeding in a school zone. If you received a school zone speeding ticket, it is prudent that you contact an experienced traffic ticket attorney before you take action. Handling the ticket properly can be the difference between paying significant higher insurance rates and keeping your insurance rates as is. You can contact the Benjamin Goldman Law Office for more detailed information.

Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office has considerable experience defending motorists with school zone speeding tickets. Our lawyers fight these charges aggressively using all tactical and procedural techniques in our legal arsenal. We are a law firm that represents motorists in all areas of New York State. Our attorneys have successfully gotten 1180c charges reduced or dismissed in many courts, including but not limited to, Amherst, Depew, Lake George, Garden City, Salina, Monroe, Schroeppel, Philipstown, Scarsdale, and Troy. If you had the misfortune of being charged with a school zone speeding violation, all is not lost. We are a phone call away and we provide motorists with free consultations. Our firm can be reached via phone call, text message, email, or website submission. We look forward to helping you with your case.

Other Traffic Violations We Handle

If you were injured by a motorist who was speeding in a school zone, you can contact the Sternberg Injury Law Firm and they can advise you of your options

Disclaimer: All the content of this website has been prepared by Benjamin Goldman Law Office PC for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this website shall not be construed as an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create, nor shall the receipt of such information constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Our hope is that you will find the information useful and informative, and we would be happy to communicate with you and answer any questions you may have about our legal services. Readers should not act upon the information on this website, or decide not to act based upon the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional counsel from an attorney licensed in the home state of the drivers license of the person who received the relevant traffic citation.